Monday, December 9, 2013

NOTICE- Currently not accepting any books for review

We are sorry but due to our tight schedule, we will not be able to accept any books by authors for review for a while. Author interviews, blog tours and other promotional events are welcome during this time.

Thank you very much for your patience and understanding.

1 comment:

  1. My latest novel, Valerie's Retreat, is now available from Amazon on Kindle, and I would like the opportunity to interview with you about my book. Here is a blurb:

    Valerie, a 40-ish Head Teller at a bank, has met Franco, 16 years younger and studying for a doctorate in archaeology. He is stunned yet eager to begin a relationship with this attractive "cougar", and they become lovers. Their lives begin to unravel when Valerie's female bisexual boss makes advances (and threats) toward Valerie and Franco is accused of the theft of an Incan artifact from a museum where he has been working part-time. Frustrated, under surveillance by the FBI, and seeing no way out of their dilemma, they decide to steal money from Valerie's bank and flee the country. They go to Peru to start a new life, but they find there the same type of corruption and threats. How can they escape their nightmares and make their dreams come true?

    If you are interested in interviewing me about this novel, please email me at For a sneak peek into Valerie's Retreat, go to, and click on "Click to LOOK INSIDE!"


    Author Bio:

    The protagonist in Valerie's Retreat runs off with a man sixteen years her junior. Joseph Rinaldo's wife is sixteen years his senior, so many of their triumphs and trials have made their way into this book. Their relationship provided a good foundation for the two main characters’ lives together. The way his and her friends react to their age disparity also derives, at least in part, from Joseph's own experience.
    For approximately one year Joseph labored as a Head Teller at a bank. This employment history enabled him to create a believable bank robbery. The theft described in Valerie's Retreat is easy to conceive and execute, but leaves a very clear path to the perpetrator. That is why the characters had to immediately run. I would love for you to post an excerpt from the book on your blog site.

    Joseph Rinaldo

    P.S. Thought you might want to take a look at the book trailer for Valerie’s Retreat, also. Here’s the YouTube link:
